Choosing the right payment gateway is always a headache for owners of e-commerce sites. In the past, people often chose Paypal as the default choice. However, with the development of technology and superior features, Stripe is becoming an attractive alternative to Paypal. Let's find out why you should use Stripe payment gateway to improve your business efficiency.

Convenience in checking

Stripe helps you easily check transactions through your account with just one click. Unlike some other payment gateways like Paypal, you do not need to register an additional sandbox account. Switching between Sandbox and Live accounts can be confusing and difficult. Stripe helps you avoid these complicated and confusing processes.

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No merchant account required:

Unlike some other payment gateways, Stripe does not require you to have a merchant account to receive payments from customers. Instead, Stripe is a merchant account aggregator, allowing you to simplify the process by simply registering to open a Stripe account and start receiving payments immediately.

Clear and transparent costs:

Stripe applies a transparent pricing policy with clear and fixed fee rates. For example, for card transaction processing from the United States, the cost is 2.9% plus $0.30, while for European card transaction processing it is 1.4% plus 0.2 pence and non-European cards. Europe is 2.9% plus 20 pence. Compared to Paypal, Stripe has lower costs and no additional service fees. Stripe's pricing policy offers much more clarity, with costs being upfront and most additional services being free.

Stripe also provides flexible cost information based on your pricing and transaction models. This is very useful especially when you are just starting a business and don't have any revenue or customers yet.

Payment information security:

To ensure the security of payment information, Stripe offers a variety of card data collection methods such as Element, Express checkout, and Stripe.js.

Stripe.js features

This feature allows you to integrate appropriate payment methods on your website without storing customer payment details on a separate server. Payment information will be sent directly to Stripe's servers, helping customers feel secure and maintain a consistent shopping experience, because their personal information is secure.

It is also beneficial for businesses to sign up for a Stripe payment gateway, helping to reduce the scope of compliance with PCI (Payment Card Industry) requirements and protecting customer payment information. With payment data stored and processed on Stripe's servers, no sensitive card data is transferred to the merchant's server, improving information security.

In short, using the Stripe payment gateway helps protect customer payment information and reduce security risks for businesses, while bringing trust and peace of mind to both parties involved in the transaction.

3D Security:

Stripe offers a 3D security feature where paying customers are asked to answer a question that only they know. This answer is stored on a separate secure site. This ensures that hackers cannot steal card information and make unauthorized payment transactions.

Saved tags:

With the saved card feature, customers only need to enter card details once and that information will be stored and automatically filled in during future payments.


Using tokenization, a customer's card information is converted into a unique, one-time token, preventing hackers from using that information to make transactions. Illegal purchases.

Allows payment page customization

One strength of Stripe is the ability to customize the appearance of the payment page. This allows you to create a payment method that fits your brand and creates a consistent shopping experience for customers. With Stripe Element, you can easily customize and decorate the payment interface to reflect the true image of your business and create brand recognition.

Mobile payment:

Today, users increasingly prefer to pay online using mobile devices. It is important that the payment gateway must support payments on mobile devices easily and flexibly. Stripe has integrated with Apple Pay, an increasingly popular payment app on users' smartphones. This helps customers access and use payment methods conveniently on their mobile devices.

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Stripe's smart anti-fraud

Stripe uses a smart payment filtering radar toolkit. Using this, the Stripe payment gateway can recognize unusual payments and block them to protect you from fraud and chargebacks.

Above are the reasons why you should use stripe payment gateway? PlutusPay hopes that the information we have just updated will help you make the right choice for yourself.

For more information about PlutusPay's stripe and paypal port rental service, you can refer to it here.

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