If Q4 is the time when sales of Ecom Sellers explode, then Q1 of next year will be the time when most Ecom Sellers will need to solve Dispute from delayed delivery, defective goods, risky transactions and many other things. again. This will lead to a lot of risks for your portal, for example, holding money, frezzing your account or most seriously locking your account. In this article, PlutusPay will focus on ways people can avoid and reduce their dispute rates.


Optimizing customer care

As an important point of communication with customers, so the customer care brothers play a very important role in minimizing Dispute. The most important thing is that you will need to give a specific process to your customer care team so that they understand what they need to do in each situation.

This process will include a solution for each situation: For example, how to respond when a customer complains about slow shipping, why does the Tracking Number show that the item is being shipped from China, etc. .

When the customer care team has agreed on a single standard for customer care, the effectiveness of customer care will increase. In addition, when something goes wrong in customer service and Dispute management, it will also be easier for you to find out what's wrong in the process to continue optimizing and perfecting it. .

Understanding the reason for Dispute

There are many causes of Dispute, for example:

  • Credit not processed
  • Duplicate
  • Fraudulent
  • General
  • Product not received
  • Product invincible
  • Subscription canceled
  • Unrecognized

So do you guys know what the main reason for your Dispute is? To come up with the best solution, you need to know where the core reason for the Dispute problem is from?

Dispute classification

In terms of methods, you can classify your Disputes according to 2 basic criteria: The proportion of each Dispute type and the ratio of Disputes winning and losing. These 2 criteria will tell me how to solve specific Dispute cases and my effectiveness when resisting those Dispute cases.

With experience from PlutusPay itself and from customers, the 3 main reasons for Dispute are: Fraudulent, Product not received, Product unable/Product not as described.

  • If the main reason for Dispute is Fraudulent: You need to improve your risk prevention tools, for example with Stripe it will be Radar. In addition, you can send personnel to filter out risky transactions to have a timely solution
  • If the main reason for Dispute is Product not received: This will be related to the quality of your supplier, the type of your product, or to a lack of communication from customer service to customers.
  • If the main reason for Dispute is Product failed/Product not as described: This is also the main influence from your supplier. At this time, it is immediately necessary to change suppliers or find ways to improve product quality to avoid the risk of Dispute for a whole shipment.

Use available tools

Current payment gateways have a lot of measures and tools to help you avoid Dispute or provide insurance for you to minimize Dispute to your payment gateway.

  • Stripe Radar

Stripe Radar is an anti-fraud and dispute-prevention service of the Stripe online payment system. Using Radar's Machine Learning technology, you can reduce the risk of losing money due to handling fraudulent transactions or disputes from customers.
Stripe Radar also has the ability to classify transactions by level of risk, thereby helping you to easily manage and prioritize handling more important or suspicious transactions.

Crucially, Stripe Radar is a flexible service and easy to integrate into your payment system through simple APIs. As a result, you can quickly take advantage of Stripe Radar's powerful features to protect yourself and ensure that every transaction is done safely and efficiently.

  • Stripe Early Fraud Warning

Stripe Early Fraud Warning is an important feature in Stripe's online payment system that helps detect fraud early. An Early Fraud Warning occurs when the transaction is notified to Stripe by the card issuer that the transaction may be a risky transaction. For transactions marked as Early Fraud Warning, from 80-90% it will become Dispute. By using Stripe Early Fraud Warning, businesses can reduce risk and maintain a safe, reliable payment environment for their customers.

  • Paypal Resolution Center

PayPal Resolution Center is an important tool in PayPal's online payment system, helping users to resolve issues and disputes related to transactions. Although it does not prevent Dispute for you, it will be like an extra layer of settlement so you can talk directly with customers to solve this Dispute case before it becomes Chargeback.

With Paypal Resolution Center, Paypal will settle and resolve customer's dispute if the customer does not contact the bank directly. The advantage of this is that this will be considered an internal settlement situation that Paypal stands as an arbitrator. Even if you are not satisfied with the result, you can still contact Paypal to appeal the final result.


The above is a summary of proactive measures that you should take to improve the quality of customer service to prevent disputes and keep the payment gateway in good condition, especially during boom times. sale.

Or if you still do not have a payment gateway, you can consider looking for a payment gateway rental service like our PlutusPay. PlutusPay has all Stripe, PayPal gateway rental solutions, helping you to do business sustainably

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