Payment Gateway Rental Solution From PlutusPay

We provide a reputable, safe and secure Stripe and Paypal payment gateway rental solution.

Boost your business's conversions today!

Thanh Toan for rent 01

Why choose to rent a payment gateway at PlutusPay?

Stable cash flow when doing cross-border business with payment gateway rental service from PlutusPay!

Usually, if you are doing cross-border business, it is difficult to receive payments from customers on a steady basis. In addition, most foreign payment gateways do not support Vietnam, so it is even more difficult. Understanding that, PlutusPay provides a payment gateway rental service for cross-border sellers at a low rate. from only 1.5% !

Payment Gateway Rental Service At PlutusPay

We specialize in providing payment gateway rental services from Stripe, PayPal, AirWallex, etc... with attractive fees.

rent a Stripe Payment Gateway
Only from 1.5%

stripe stripe for rent

With the use of Stripe payment gateway rental service, you can receive payments from customers simply and securely.

Fast payout time
Direct account support from AM Stripe
Immediate gate grant time
Sign up now!
rent Paypal Payment Gateway
Only from 1.5%

paypal for rent

With PayPal, customers can pay quickly, securely and conveniently with their own PayPal account or credit card

Fast payout time
Direct account support from AM Paypal
Immediate gate grant time
sign up now!

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We want to build a long and reliable relationship with our partner, so there will be a direct call, KYC process for both parties before signing the contract.

All of our payment gateways are registered with our official company information in the US, UK and Hong Kong. Therefore, customers do not need to worry about the stability and authenticity of our payment gateways.

We will send you a daily report containing all the information regarding your expected sales, date and payment amount. You can also ask us to provide any additional information you need in your report.

We don't work weekends, but we'll resolve questions and issues as soon as possible. You can message PlutusPay at any time and we will reply as soon as possible.

We have solutions for all kinds of products and services. Please contact us and describe your business model and products and we will find a solution for you.

Have. We have almost all the different payment methods. Some examples are Klarna, BanContact, Ideal, Giropay, EPS, SEPA, Sofort, etc. If you are looking for any particular payment method, rest assured. We will find solutions so you can use them.

We can payout via Wise, Revolut, Paypal, Payoneer, USDT, ACH and many more. If you need a payout via a certain payment method, we will try to find a solution for you.

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